Welcome to the institutional repository of Aix-Marseille University

The institutional repository hosts the publications of the researchers from Aix-Marseille University.

The repository :

  • guarantees that the results of the university’s research will be widely diseminated
  • increases the accessibility of research by making it freely available in a form that most search engines can use
  • offers researchers new services (enabling them to generate a publication list automatically, for example)
  • ensures the sustainability of the data
  • meets the European Commission requirements for projects funded by the FP7 or the National Plan for Open Science
  • helps integrate Aix-Marseille University into the international movement towards open access

Are you a researcher at Aix-Marseille University, and willing to contribute to the repository's contents ?

Placing your research results in the repository allows you to contribute further to the global sum of knowledge, to increase the value of your own research, and to enhance the reputation of the institution and its research centres. Submitting a publication takes only a few minutes, once you are registered on the platform.

Are you still sceptical ?

Many studies have revealed the impact of open access on readership and frequency of citation. According to UNESCO's policy guidelines for the development and promotion of open access , "what open access does is to maximise audience size so that articles that are worthy of citing stand the maximum chance of being seen by anyone who might have reason to cite them".

To learn more, you can read Peter Suber's very brief introduction to open access.

Are you ready to start?

First you need to create your account on HAL, or just login if you already have an account.

Don't forget :

  • Submission should be made in agreement with the co-authors and in all cases be compliant with publishers’ policies regarding self-archiving. Before proceeding, you need to check the publisher’s or the journal’s policies on the Sherpa/Romeo website (you can do this by following the link on the right)
  • To allow accurate identification and citation of your documents, you need to comply with AMU’s policy regarding the correct signing of publications.

Do you need some help, or some advice on how to submit your publications ?

Do not hesitate to contact us !

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