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Welcome to LERMA's open collection on HAL-SHS

The Aix-Marseille Research Centre on the Anglophone World (LERMA) brings together some fify researchers and forty doctoral students working in all areas of anglophone studies: literature, history, the visual arts, translation, linguistics, ESP, etc. For a complete presentation of the centre, see

LERMA actively promotes open access:

- if offers an M.Phil seminar dedicated to the history of digital humanities and open access;

- it promotes an awareness of open access among all its students;

- metadata and pdfs are available through a dedicated collection on HAL-SHS;

- LERMA supports an open access "diamond" journal on OpenEdition Journal: 

- LERMA has created several research blogs on the platform of academic blogging


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Référente publications :
Anne Page
Tél. +33 (0)4 13 55 39 31
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