Modelling Al-4wt.%Cu as-cast structure using equiaxed morphological parameters deduced from in-situ synchrotron X-ray radiography
The as-cast structure of laboratory scale Al-4wt.%Cu was numerically calculated using assumed morphological parameters. Two parameters are identified: The shape factor which correlates the growth velocity of dendrite envelope to that of the tip; and the sphericity of the equiaxed envelope or the circularity of the columnar trunk envelope which is required to calculate the averaged species diffusion flux across the envelope. In the present work, the real-time radiographs of equiaxed solidification experiment carried out on Al-4wt.%Cu at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility are used to track the development of crystal envelope with time. The growth rate of the equivalent circular envelope was correlated to dendrite tip growth velocity to deduce the shape factor. The sphericity of dendrite envelope is estimated over the time. The average of the deduced morphological parameters is applied to the model to predict the as-cast structure. The results were compared to those obtained by using morphological parameters from literature. The predicted phase quantities, columnar-to- equiaxed transition, and macrosegregation exhibited significant dependence on those parameters. The predicted macrosegregation using the experimentally deduced parameters fits better to the measurements.