The central canal along the spinal cord (SC.) and medulla is characterized by the presence of a specific population of neurons that contacts the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). These medullo-spinal CSF-contacting neurons (CSF-cNs) are identified by the selective expression of the polycystin kidney disease 2-like 1 ionic channel (PKD2L1 or polycystin-L). In adult, they have been shown to express doublecortin (DCX) and Nkx6.1, two markers of juvenile neu-rons along with the neuron-specific nuclear protein (NeuN) typically expressed in mature neurons. They were therefore suggested to remain in a rather incomplete maturation state. The aim of this study was to assess whether such juvenile state is stable in postnatal animals or whether CSF-cNs may reach maturity at older stages than neurons in the par-enchyma. We show, in the cervical SC. and the brainstem that, in relation to age, CSF-cN density declines and that their cell bodies become more distant from the cc, except in its ventral part. Moreover, in adults (from 1 month) by comparison with neonatal mice, we show that CSF-cNs have evolved to a more mature state, as indicated by the increase in the percentage of cells positive for NeuN and of its level of expression. In parallel, CSF-cNs exhibit, in adult, lower DCX immunoreactivity and do not express PSA-NCAM and TUC4, two neurogenic markers. Nevertheless, CSF-cNs still share in adult characteristics of juvenile neurons such as the presence of phospho-CREB and DCX while NeuN expression remained low. This phenotype persists in 12-month-old animals. Thus, despite a pursuit of neuronal maturation during the postnatal period, CSF-cNs retain a durable low differentiated state.