Inside the Lifestyle of the Virophage
Objective(s): We sought to better characterize Sputnik, the first isolated virophage, and to analyze its parasitic lifestyle during co-infection with Marseillevirus (a new giant virus) in Acanthamoeba castellanii. Methods: A combination of electron microscopy, immunofluorescence microscopy, and real-time PCR was used to characterize the kinetics of the viral replication cycle. RT-PCR was performed to detect RNAs inside the Sputnik virions. Results: Sputnik is a new viral entity carrying an almost complete ready-to-use set of viral RNAs (20 out of 21). Sputnik does not replicate with Marseillevirus but delays its replication cycle. While Marseillevirus is successfully internalized by A. castellanii following co-infections with Mamavirus and Sputnik, it does not initiate a replication cycle. In contrast, both Marseillevirus and Mamavirus can replicate in the amoeba in case of co-infection, but the development of one is exclusive from the other inside a single amoeba cell. Conclusions: This work provides new insight into the Sputnik replication cycle with another giant virus and confirms that Sputnik is a virophage. It shows new dimensions of the interactions existing among giant viruses.