How can agriculture adapt to changing climate conditions: social perceptions and new practices of farmers. A case study in Southern France.
This paper explores a sociological analysis on the link between farmer’s social perceptions of climate change and the effects on their behaviours, agricultural and technical choices. Our analysis is based upon first results of a qualitative research. Semi-directed interviews were conducted with farmers. The farmer sample for the case study was constructed to ensure that the general characteristics of agriculture are represented. Case study farms are categorized according to the type of production: vegetables, fruit trees, vine, livestock. We try to understand how farmers take decisions when they adapt to changing conditions. Are they affected by the scientific knowledge? Are they utilizing or creating networks contacts ?, Are they researching information by professional technicians ? Are they mobilized by financial support ? Are they affecting by the social pressure ? Or, and that is our main hypothesis, are they trust in their inner guidance and perception of climate change to act : less component crops yield, high severity drought and flooding more frequently. Besides the analysis of the farmers perceptions, we will take account of their practices to show that they can adapt in different ways: water savings by drip or spray irrigation systems, by testing different heat resistant crop types (for the vine for example), by changing cultivation techniques. These changes could lead to an unintended consequence: more ecological practices.