Impact of drought and site characteristics on vitality and radial growth of Cedrus atlantica Manetti in the Ouarsenis massif (Algeria)
This work investigates the impact of drought and site characteristics on vitality and radial growth of Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica Manetti) in Ouarsenis cedar forests (Algeria). The choice of this zone was dictated by the appearance of the phenomenon of decline since the 1980s and the lack of study on this subject. Our hypothesis seeks to understand how climatic factors interacted with site characteristics affected radial growth and vitality of Atlas cedar. We used the
dendroecological approach where 09 populations of Atlas cedar distributed on the two cedars of Ouarsenis (Theniet El Had and Ain Antar) and covering a varied
range of environmental conditions (substrate, altitude, exposure) were studied. The climatic signal recorded in ring-width series of Atlas cedar trees was investigated by bootstrapped response function over the period 1936-2010. The results show a good agreement between the individual curves and those of mean site chronologies, which reflects the influence of climatic factors on tree radial growth. Atlas cedar is very sensitive to rainfall fluctuations throughout the year. This sensitivity is more pronounced for populations located at low altitude, on steep slopes and on sand stone or marl substrates. The dry years induced a significant radial growth decline and triggered massive tree mortality, particularly in 1983, 1984, 1988, 1994 and 2002. The vitality of the species seems to be conditioned by the frequency of drought years.
Sciences de l'environnement