Journal Articles Journal of Biomedical Science Year : 2024

Cyclophostin and Cyclipostins analogues counteract macrolide-induced resistance mediated by erm(41) in Mycobacterium abscessus

Vincent Le Moigne


Abstract Background Mycobacterium abscessus is an emerging pathogen causing severe pulmonary infections, particularly in individuals with underlying conditions, such as cystic fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Macrolides, such as clarithromycin (CLR) or azithromycin (AZM), represent the cornerstone of antibiotherapy against the M. abscessus species. However, prolonged exposure to these macrolides can induce of Erm(41)-mediated resistance, limiting their spectrum of activity and leading to therapeutic failure. Therefore, inhibiting Erm(41) could thwart this resistance mechanism to maintain macrolide susceptibility, thus increasing the rate of treatment success. In our previous study, the Erm(41) methyltransferase was identified as a possible target enzyme of Cyclipostins and Cyclophostin compounds ( CyC ). Methods Herein, we exploited this feature to evaluate the in vitro activity of CLR and AZM in combination with different CyC via the checkerboard assay on macrolide-susceptible and induced macrolide-resistant M. abscessus strains selected in vitro following exposure CLR and AZM. Results Our results emphasize the use of the CyC to prevent/overcome Erm(41)‑induced resistance and to restore macrolide susceptibility. Conclusion This work should expand our therapeutic arsenal in the fight against a antibioticresistant mycobacterial species and could provide the opportunity to revisit the therapeutic regimen for combating M. abscessus pulmonary infections in patients, and particularly in erm(41) -positive strains.
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hal-04818691 , version 1 (04-12-2024)



Morgane Sarrazin, Isabelle Poncin, Patrick Fourquet, Stéphane Audebert, Luc Camoin, et al.. Cyclophostin and Cyclipostins analogues counteract macrolide-induced resistance mediated by erm(41) in Mycobacterium abscessus. Journal of Biomedical Science, 2024, 31 (1), pp.103. ⟨10.1186/s12929-024-01091-w⟩. ⟨hal-04818691⟩
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