Chemical and biochemical engineering for a new sustainable process industry in Europe
The very title itself was the slogan of the main scientific event in Chemical Engineering in Europe, held in Nice in September 2015, which combined the 10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE10), the 3rd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB3) and the 5th European Process
Intensification Conference (EPIC5). These events were organised by the French Society of Chemical Engineering (SFGP) and Live! By GL under the auspices of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) and the European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES).
The conference focused on four main societal challenges:
- Energy: new and unconventional resources, conservation and management
- Water management and treatment
- Biotechnology and food
- Industrial ecosystems
and addressed fundamental chemical and biochemical engineering research.
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