Childbearing Trajectories in a West African Setting: A Sequence Analysis Approach
The lag ging fer til ity tran si tion in West Africa has impor tant reper cus sions for global pop u la tion growth but remains poorly under stood. Inspired by Caldwell and col leagues' fer til ity tran si tion frame work, as well as by sub se quent research, we exam ine diver sity in women's holis tic child bear ing tra jec to ries in Niakhar, Senegal, between the early 1960s and 2018 using a sequence anal y sis approach. We eval u ate the prev a lence of dif fer ent tra jec to ries, their con tri bu tion to over all fer til ity lev els, and their asso ci a tion with women's socio eco nomic and cul tural char ac ter is tics. Four tra jec to ries were observed: "high fer til ity," "delayed entry," "trun cated," and "short." While the high fer til ity tra jec tory was most prev a lent across cohorts, delayed entry grew in importance. The high fer til ity tra jec tory was more com mon among women born between 1960 and 1969 and was followed less often by divorced women and those from polyg y nous house holds. Women with pri mary edu ca tion and those from higher sta tus groups were more likely to expe ri ence delayed entry. The trun cated tra jec tory was asso ci ated with lack of eco nomic wealth, polyg y nous house holds, and caste mem ber ship. A short tra jec tory was related to lack of agropastoral wealth, divorce, and possibly sec ond ary ste ril ity. Our study advances knowl edge on fer til ity tran si tions in Niakhar-and Sahelian West Afri can con texts more gen er ally-by show ing the diver sity of child bear ing tra jec to ries within high fer til ity regional con texts. KEYWORDS Fertility tran si tion • Childbearing tra jec to ries • Sequence anal y sis •
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